Monday, May 18, 2009

To Wiki or Not To Wiki, To Me There is No Question

Each day I see more in the press regarding the value and use of Web 2.0 technology. There is one element of that technology that really stirs my interest, "the wiki." Why you ask is a wiki of such interest? Well, it is quite simple really. Wikis allow us to gather insights and expertise from those with whom we work, socialize, or consult.

If today I had a resource where I could go and search all the great advice and expertise that I have received from my mentors, managers, and clients, I would be very grateful. While of course much of the wisdom imparted upon me over the last 10+ years is in my head now, it never hurts to have a quick way to look something up and verify that my brain is still functioning on par. Also, when I have a colleague that asks "how did you know to take that approach" or "what would you recommend that I try in this situation" or "my client has this challenge," it would be so wonderful to have a discussion with that colleague and then be able to point them to a knowledge-rich resource where the expertise I have leveraged is also available to him or her at any time.

When I think of how much wisdom is kept in the heads of professionals--and how much walks out the door when they leave an organization, the use of a wiki to capture and share it, just seems to be a no-brainer. But hey, that could just be my opinion-what is yours?

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