Monday, May 4, 2009

The Philosophy of Learn 2.0

Learn 2.0 is an evolution that is taking us from a static and linear experience to a more dynamic and free-form experience that encourages sharing and collaborative learning.

Newer web technologies such as wikis, collaborative workspaces, blogs, and business-related social networks have made it easier than ever before to mimic the way we learn in our everyday lives. They provide us with the ability to choose how and when we learn instead of always following a pre-defined path of learning that doesn’t always provide the information we need at the time we need it.

Philosopher’s may debate whether we have the free-will to make choices in our lives or whether our lives are pre-determined, but Learn 2.0’s flexibility allows us to decide our own path and all roads lead to more effective learning and retention.

1 comment:

  1. And we know it already works because we already do it to some extent whenever we search the web. Bring order and focus to that natural process and you've got something.
