Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hive-Based Learning Strategies

Over the past six months we've spent a lot of time exploring the application of social media and knowledge management tools to the learning environment.

As an outcome, we've gotten a lot smarter about how these resources can cost-effectively supplement traditional learning methodologies - as well as gaining an understanding of the challenges and pitfalls of implementation.

We've branded our initiative as "Hive-Based Learning" - which we view as the design and development of training and performance support tools utilizing the integration of multiple information resources (such as knowledge management assets, social media channels and digital media libraries).

Most importantly, our strategy combines these resources and organizes them by job performance requirements. Driven by collaboration and communication, this learning approach also creates a growing network of knowledge capital that continuously evolves through peer and expert contributions.

We've got a couple of cool things to share with you if you're interested in seeing how we've approached this:

(1) Click here to check out the PPT presentation that provides an overview

(2) Click here to explore the prototype site that we created showing how these elements might support a real estate corporation's Green Asset Management initiative. Click into the lighting thread for the most populated view of how this integrated approach applies.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

McKinsey > "Web 2.0 and Business"

Started working this afternoon on an overview of valuable McKinsey & Co. Study on "Web 2.0 and Business"...

Talking over implications with colleagues and (no surprise here), Jay Cross has beat me to it.

Great job Jay! Check out Jay's summary and insights at